Paranormal things happen everywhere, even in a place like this in our game today. Detectives Brenda and Jonathan work on a very specific case in one of the most famous and most frequented cabarets in their city. Namely, the cabaret is known for its program, but the performance of an unusual guest makes it even more famous.
Namely, according to rumors, once a month a ghost comes to the place and entertains the guests by performing a piano score. Guests are fascinated by this performance and always ask for a card more for the performance with the spirit. You can imagine what an attraction this is, can't you?
Detectives Brenda and Jonathan come to the local with the famous paranormal expert, Larry. They believe that it is a scam and that someone has cleverly prepared this fraud to extract money from curious viewers. However, that's exactly why Larry is here, to help the detectives discover the truth. They know how to work with evidence, but this type of case is not very common in their career.
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