Play Deserted Highway Game Online

Deserted Highway

Yes, maybe it used to be more common and easier for people to decide to go on a road trip, whereas today, we are somehow taught to choose comfort over adventure and want to get to a certain place as quickly as possible. As romantic as it sounds, we miss out on a lot with this fast-paced lifestyle. Can you imagine how many adventures await us on the way to a place if we decide on a road trip?! How many places we will visit until we reach our final destination and how many new people we will meet? That is something priceless!
John decided to explore the southern part of the country by going on a road trip. This type of travel has always been a dream for John and this is a wonderful opportunity to fulfill his dream. However, it is normal for certain unpredictable situations to happen, such as today's.
Namely, John, following an old map, ends up on an abandoned highway with nothing but an abandoned gas station. Now John has to do everything in his power to get back on track.

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